Ravenfield round up 24/01/2025

A round up of all the latest news from Ravenfield Primary Academy
Tik Tok Challenge
Also known as the "choking challenge" or the "pass-out challenge," this fad encouraged kids in asphyxiation to the point of temporary unconsciousness.
The blackout challenge has been linked to the deaths of about 20 minors in recent months.
We have been made aware that some of our children across Maltby Learning Trust are being exposed to this dangerous challenge and reports received that some of our young people might have attempted this. If you could be vigilant, although being mindful that younger siblings although might not be involved could be witnessing this.
Parents Evening
We have sent out the information for booking a Parents Evening appointment on Seesaw this week.
If you are having any problems, then please contact the office.
If you do require time off for your child, please use the following link to access our Leave of Absence form https://www.ravenfieldprimaryacademy.com/attendance
House Points
Congratulations to Wentworth, who won last Half-Terms reward. They will be celebrating with a Non-Uniform Day on 31 January.
Year 3 Spanish
Next week in Spanish, Year 3 will start writing a description of a pet. If they wish to, they can send in a photo of the pets that they have at home. If they haven’t got any, no worries, we will look for a dream pet photo at school! Please could the photos be sent to this email address info@ravenfieldprimaryacademy.com
Dates for the diary
29/01/2025 Parents Evening night 1
31/01/2025 Wentworth Non-Uniform Day
31/01/2025 EYFS Mystery Reader
05/02/2025 Parents Evening night 2
07/02/2024 EYFS Mystery Reader
External Announcements
Please see the attached documents below from the local community
- MO1 Goalkeeping
- Otherham Winter Light Festival
- Capital of Culture
- Places2Be - We will be taking part in Children's Mental Health Week 2025 from 3-9 February 2025! The theme is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself", which is about encouraging children and young people to understand self-awareness and what it means for them.
- Sheffield Hatters Ticket offer