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At Ravenfield Primary Academy, and across the whole of Maltby Learning Trust, we firmly believe that the link between attendance and attainment is inextricable. It is an established fact that pupils with 95% plus attendance are more likely to achieve greater academic success which in turn promotes greater pupil health and wellbeing. We want our children to feel fully included in the life of our school and to experience both academic and social success. We are therefore committed to promoting and reinforcing outstanding patterns of attendance and punctuality across the MLT and the wider community.

In order to achieve this, we pride ourselves on reaching out to families, identifying the barriers and obstacles which are preventing them from accessing education and offering a wide range of well targeted support strategies to improve attendance. We work closely with parents / carers and students, helping them to understand the value of attendance and punctuality and the impact of non-attendance.

We communicate the highest expectations regarding attendance to students, families, staff and the wider community and we recognise and reward our pupils who are achieving the very best. We have weekly, monthly, half termly, termly and yearly competitions, certificates and prizes as well as prizes for most improved attendance. We celebrate outstanding attendance in special assemblies to which all parents are invited.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our parents/carers, because only with your support and cooperation can we continue to improve attendance across the Trust.

If you or your child have any concerns regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to contact either the Academy office or Miss Jepson.

If you do require time off for your child, please use the following link to access our Leave of Absence form


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