Ravenfield round up

A round up of all the latest news from Ravenfield Primary Academy
Children's Mental Health Week 2025
We will be taking part in Children's Mental Health Week 2025 from 3-9 February 2025! The theme is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself", which is about encouraging children and young people to understand self-awareness and what it means for them.
NSPCC Number Day
On Friday 7th February is NSPCC number day. This is a sponsored event. Children and staff will be asked to dress up for number day in anything that resembles a number. You can be as creative as you like! During Friday afternoon, children will be playing maths games. These could be Monopoly, Scrabble, Cards, roll the dice games like Snakes and Ladders.
Parents Evening night 2
Booking for Parents Evening has now closed online. If you have any queries, please contact the office.
Maltby Manor Community Event
If you do require time off for your child, please use the following link to access our Leave of Absence form https://www.ravenfieldprimaryacademy.com/attendance
Dates for the diary
05/02/2024 Parents Evening night 2
07/02/2025 – EYFS Mystery reader
07/02/2025 - NSPCC Number Day
20/03/2025 - Maltby Manor Community Event
External Announcements
Children’s Mental Health Week 2025
Emotional Literacy Parent Guide
February Half Term Football Development Camp
Sheffield Giants Sports Taster Sessions
Sheffield Hatters Ticket offer