Roald Dahl Celebration Day

We are looking forward to our Roald Dahl Celebration Day on Friday.
On Friday 13 September we are celebrating Roald Dahl day.
To celebrate this day, our PTA are running a Roald Dahl character dress up day. This gives your child the chance to dress up in their favourite Roald Dahl character. The cost is £1, which will be collected on the morning and go towards the PTA fundraising efforts for much-needed resources for all children in school.
To continue the celebrations, children will get to pick from a special lunchtime menu which is below.
Finally, we are also inviting all parents to stay and learn (FS1-Y6). This will take place between 9am and 10am. After dropping your child off, parents who wish to stay are asked to meet in the hall. At 9am, parents will be taken through to their child's classroom. If you have children in different year groups, you will have an opportunity to visit each classroom. The activities will be Roald Dahl based and this is a fantastic opportunity to support and get involved with your children's learning.